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One Sweet Day I Found You: A Sweet Romance Book 1 Page 3

  She gestured around the room. “Look at this place. I can take care of myself. And I’m over Austin. He’s a jerk, and I’m not running around getting my heart broken every time I turn around! I’ve learned my lesson.”

  Courtney’s mother sat back. “Okay. Okay, I’m sorry, honey. We just worry about you. It’s what we do.”

  Courtney reached out and put her hand on the table. “I know. It’s fine,” Courtney said. “Sorry I got upset.”

  Her mother grabbed her hand and gave her an affectionate squeeze.

  An hour later, Courtney waved as her parents drove back down the long driveway in her dad’s car. They were stopping to visit their grandchildren at Courtney’s older sister, Morgan’s house in Green Bay on their way home.

  Love you!” Courtney waved as a little twinge of sadness rushed over her. Yes, it was time for another fresh start, but was she crazy to do it all over again?


  The vast, sparkling blue waters of Lake Michigan peeped through a line of leafy trees a hundred yards ahead. Wow.

  Thursday morning had arrived, and Courtney pulled her Camry into a parking spot at Cave Point County Park. She climbed out of the car and took in the view. A sweet smell of cedar and hemlock wafted in on the fresh breeze.

  She was told she’d meet a guide and a videographer at the park for her first assignment. They’d be exploring the well-known limestone cliffs off of Door County’s rocky eastern shore by kayak.

  Apparently, the cliffs on this side of the peninsula had eroded over time to create a maze of underwater cave formations. The views were supposed to be particularly beautiful from the water.

  She glanced at her phone. 8:50.

  Ten minutes early. Take that, Beecham. She really wasn’t a late person—typically. The sooner he knew it, the better.

  Courtney had yet to meet the videographer she’d be partnered with. She didn’t even know whether to expect a man or a woman. Beecham had given her very limited information, but she hadn’t wanted to bother him for more. He didn’t need any other reasons to be upset with her, so she’d just taken what he’d given her and assumed it would all work itself out.

  She took a trail bar out of her bag in the car and devoured it. The jet lag was still messing with her appetite. She’d been to the market yesterday and stocked her refrigerator. Breakfast was only an hour ago and she was hungry already.

  The story she was supposed to write after today’s trip should discuss the kayaking opportunities available in the region. What not to miss on a trip like this, what to bring, what to expect, what sort of adventurer these kinds of excursions were best suited for.

  Then she’d sprinkle in some information about the state park and the other regions that the tour company served, maybe include some interesting geological history about the cliffs, and of course, provide the necessary links for more information and reservations.

  She jotted a few questions for her guide into her notebook. At least she’d been given the name of the tour-guide company. But that was about it.

  She took out her visor and pulled her brown ponytail through the opening in the back, then slathered sunblock on her face and shoulders.

  She zipped her yellow parka over her camisole top. The sun would warm things up later, but under the trees, it was still brisk this early.

  She figured she’d recognize her guide when he or she pulled up in a truck carrying some kayaks. Maybe the truck would have the name of the company on the side? Possibly not.

  If she were the gambling type, she’d bet her guide was a leathery old guy with a fishing hat and a pair of Birkenstocks. She’d met her fair share of tour guides in the outback and some other popular outdoor destinations in Australia, and most had fit that description.

  Only a few hikers had come through since she’d arrived, and the parking lot was almost empty. The tourists hadn’t descended upon Door County for the summer yet, and the locals were mostly off at work. So there weren’t many people around on a Thursday morning, this being the first of June. She brushed some dirt off her sneakers.

  The videographer would have camera equipment, right? Certainly, she’d notice cameras and kayaks when they showed up. Oh, well. She could wait.

  Back at the marina, Nick finished loading the boats onto the shop’s pickup truck. Nick glanced back at the Inlet Outfitters building, with its log-cabin inspired motif. “Still no sign of her? And she didn’t call you or anything?”

  Kira checked her smart watch. “No, and it’s already nine fifteen.” She wrinkled her nose. “I didn’t expect the new girl to show up late for her first gig. Unbelievable.”

  Nick shrugged, yanking on a bungee cord that held one of the kayaks in place. “These are good to go.” He eyed the boats now fastened to the commercial white pickup truck then scanned the road leading down to the shop’s small lot. “Maybe she got lost?”

  “Late is late. And Beecham is not going to like this.” Kira ran her fingers through her shoulder length, dark hair and squirted sunblock onto the olive-toned skin of her arms. “Anyway, she was supposed to be moving here a couple of days ago. How do you get lost in a town the size of a postage stamp? I mean, come on—there’s only one marina.”

  Kira adjusted the lens on the digital video camera and peered into it, making sure it was set correctly.

  Nick threw his keys up in the air and caught them. “Well, I say we wait fifteen more minutes and see what happens. If she doesn’t show, we go without her. I’m not waiting around all day.”

  Kira shrugged. “Works for me. I need the footage, regardless. They want to see a first run of this video by end-of-day Saturday.”

  Fifteen minutes later, Nick stood up from the bumper where he’d been sitting, checking the day’s headlines on his phone.

  “Let’s go. She’ll have to reschedule. You can just film me and the scenery, or whatever.”

  “Agreed.” Kira hopped into the passenger side of the truck.

  In another half an hour, Nick and Kira were winding down the narrow road of the moss-covered, shaded forest before it opened up to Cave Point County Park’s tidy parking lot.

  Courtney slid off the narrow trunk of her car as an oversized pickup truck approached, carrying two kayaks and a dinghy. The side of the truck appeared to be marked. Courtney was able to read it as it came closer. Inlet Outfitters.

  That’s it.


  But wait—that name sounded familiar. Where had she seen that logo before?

  She grabbed her sunglasses and duffel bag, locked the car, and tossed her keys in the bag.

  The truck pulled into a parking spot and Courtney ambled over.

  From a few yards away, she watched as the driver jumped out of the truck.

  She stopped. Her heart sank into her stomach.



  The guy was about her age. Sandy-brown hair peeping out from under his baseball cap. Tall. Good-looking. Athletic build.

  Green polo shirt.

  You’ve got to be kidding me.

  Courtney’s cheeks were flaming hot by the time she reached him.

  He stopped and stared back as she walked up. Was it her imagination or did his cheeks also look a little pink?

  “Well, well. If it isn’t butterfingers from the coffee shop?” He smiled and slammed his door shut with a little toss of his keys.

  “Uh-huh. Guess so.” Courtney was still blushing but she kept a straight face and perked an eyebrow. “I see we’re stuck on that?”

  “Are you the blogger for the Visitors Board?”

  Courtney made a show of glancing at the logo across his shirt. She noticed there were no coffee stains. “I am. And I take it you’re the tour guide?”

  “Yep.” Nick jingled the keys around and stuck a fist into the front pocket of his khaki shorts.

  Courtney gave a nod and shot him her best grin. “I see you managed to get the coffee stains out?”

  “Different shirt. Haven’t done laundry yet.” He seem
ed to be disguising a grin.

  Courtney rocked on her heels and made a face. “Well, this is awkward, then. You’re late, by the way.”

  “Come again?”

  Just then Kira’s door slammed shut, and a moment later, she joined them on the driver’s side of the truck.

  “You must be Courtney,” she said, all business.

  Was that a smirk?

  “Hi. Yeah, Courtney Price.” Courtney held out her hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Kira Nash. I’m the photographer slash audio video nerd. We’ll be working together this summer. I see you’ve met our trusty guide?”

  “Uh, yeah.” She shot him a look. “Sort of.”

  “Oh, sorry. I’m Nick.” He held out his hand. Courtney shook it quickly then dropped it.


  Kira narrowed her gaze. “So you’ve been waiting here for us all this time?”

  Courtney twisted up her lip. “Yeah. Beecham told me nine a.m., Thursday. The state park. I was beginning to wonder what might’ve happened to you guys.”

  Kira scoffed. “You were supposed to meet us at the docks in Heritage Bay. We were all going to ride here together, in this.” She motioned to the truck. “We waited there thirty minutes for you.”


  Courtney’s cheeks went hot again. “You did?” She glanced at Nick. “We were?”

  Now that made more sense. Gosh, she was on a roll this week. Good thing she could still blame the jet lag.

  Kira rolled her eyes. “Didn’t Beecham tell you? We usually ride to these kinds of outings with our guide when it’s a trip like this, out in the woods or whatever.” She gestured to their surroundings. “With whoever the guide is each trip.” She flashed another ironic smile. “This time, it’s this handsome hunk of fitness.”

  Both girls looked at Nick. He laughed off Kira’s comment but threw his hands in the air and took a step backwards. “Don’t look at me. I’m just following directions.”

  Kira raised an eyebrow. “That makes two of us.” She shot a cynical expression Courtney’s way.

  Courtney straightened her shoulders, surprised by the jab. “Excuse me, but I was never given those directions.”

  Kira didn’t seem flustered at all.

  Nick stepped back into the ring. “Go easy, Kir. She’s new.”

  Kira opened the backseat door and began shuffling through her camera equipment. “Uh-huh. And?”

  Kira remained indifferent.

  What was it with Kira? Courtney had followed directions, too. She couldn’t help it if those directions were lacking.

  Courtney turned to face Nick while Kira’s back was to them. “Look, I’m sorry. I didn’t know. I obviously would’ve been there if Beecham had told me.”

  Nick’s expression was calm. “It’s no big deal. It all makes sense now.”

  “Okay, thanks.” Courtney let out a big sigh and glanced at Kira, who didn’t say anything.

  Was this good cop, bad cop? What was going on here?

  Nick gestured to Kira. “Don’t worry about her. You’re not gonna like her until you know her.”

  Kira laughed. “He’s right. I’m very impatient. My mother raised me not to waste time.”

  Courtney stuck a hand in the pocket of her shorts and arched an eyebrow. “Ouch.” She turned away.

  Perfect. Another day where she’d put the wrong foot first.

  Nick shook his head and hopped up onto the truck. He began unfastening the bungee cords that held the kayaks in place. “So, Courtney, you’ve been here for an hour already?”

  Looked like good cop was back.

  Courtney cleared her throat. “Yeah.” She pulled her phone out of her back pocket. “I’m barely getting one bar out here. Calls weren’t going through.”

  Nick nodded.

  “I was going to give you guys another fifteen minutes before I gave up.”

  “So were we.” Kira sneered.

  Courtney huffed and turned her attention back to Kira. “Look, I’m, uh, I’m really sorry.” Then she looked up at Nick. “I screwed up. Seems I’m actually pretty good at that kind of thing lately.”

  Kira’s tone was ironic. “Great.”

  Nick rolled his eyes at Kira.

  “I’ve been looking forward to meeting you, Kira, but Beecham didn’t give me much to go on. He never even gave me your name.”

  Kira pressed the lens cover back onto her camera and placed the camera into her duffel bag. She turned and met Courtney’s eyes. “Sounds like him. Anyway, no biggie. We’re all here now. I can still do the shoot, and you can still do the story. And Beecham ought to let it slide. First timer, after all. No hard feelings.”

  She reached back into the pickup truck and began to gather up the rest of her gear.

  Ohhh-kay. Courtney shrugged.

  Then she stepped back as the rest of what Kira said sunk in. “Wait—Beecham knows about this?”

  “Yeah. I had to get your number from him when you didn’t show up this morning. Couldn’t get through to you, of course, but—”

  Courtney’s pitch went higher. “So, you told him I didn’t show up?”

  “Yeah.” Kira swung the duffel onto her back. “And by the way, he was not happy about it. Said you already messed things up the other day. He’s got his eye on you. You’d better watch it.”

  Courtney furrowed her brow, huffing again. “I know he does. That’s why I was early today.” She let out a frustrated sigh. “Or at least I thought I was. Listen—that was an accident the other day. I just got back from a six-month’s stay in Australia. My brain is still functioning on another time zone and I’m still in a fog. But no one told me I was supposed to meet you guys at the docks. I would’ve been there.”

  Nick hopped off the truck and tossed three life jackets into one of the kayaks. “Hey, it’s no big deal, guys. I don’t have any other tours going out today. Let’s just forget about it and move on.”

  Courtney’s tone was sarcastic. “Great idea.”

  Kira seemed to brush off the whole exchange. “Right. So let’s do this. Nickle. Aussie. I’m ready when you are.”

  Seriously? She was already handing out nicknames?

  Nick snorted and laughed.

  “Good,” Nick replied sarcastically. “Because I need a hand with the kayaks before we can go anywhere, Ms. Nash.”

  Kira laughed. “All righty, then.”

  Courtney snorted. “No problem.” She walked to the back of the truck, trying not to let a sour look fill her face.


  Late morning in early summer on Door County peninsula’s eastern shores revealed clear blue skies and pleasant temperatures in the high sixties. Layered, rocky cliffs jutted out over the water, with trees lining up behind them, some with artfully twisted and misshapen trunks from years of wind and icy winter weather.

  An hour and a half after they’d set out, Nick’s orange kayak was still slicing through the cool, blue waters of a calm, summery Lake Michigan. Several yards ahead of him, the travel writer he’d just met paddled onward with a steady motion. He watched her, struck by the way it seemed that nothing else mattered to her right now but the wide expanse of lake and sky.

  She told him she’d only been kayaking once before, yet he would’ve believed her if she said she’d been doing this for years. She looked like a natural.

  He wondered how much she knew about the area. He hoped they hadn’t given her a bad taste for it. She seemed like a sweet girl.

  Kira should’ve gone easier on her this morning. It wasn’t Courtney’s fault their boss hadn’t given her the necessary details.

  Nick glanced farther out over the water to find Kira. She was shooting a video of the two of them as they hugged the coastline with their kayaks.

  The video Kira would make to represent Inlet Outfitters’ kayaking tours would feature the popular limestone cave formations of the park, where dramatic waves crashed against rocky cliffs.

  Kira needed footage of the kayaks
in action as well as footage of the coastline from the water. He watched as she expertly piloted the motorized dinghy, from which it was easier to use her equipment. Later, she’d lace the footage together into a video for the board’s website.

  Nick and a handful of locals had appeared in a video that Kira did back in February about the snowshoeing tours offered by the shop. She did great work.

  But Nick knew Kira could be a nightmare for the fainthearted. He ran into her frequently at the local watering holes. Thing is, she was usually a no-drama kind of girl. You couldn’t call her laid-back or easygoing, but you always knew where you stood with her. She was also a lot of fun, once she got to know you.

  But she’d been pretty tough on Courtney, considering the circumstances. He hoped she would bring it down a few notches. He knew Kira had just been through a very tough few weeks as well. But she didn’t get a pass forever.

  Nick paddled closer to Courtney. She was studying the shoreline and looked up as he approached.

  He tried a smile. “Hey, how’s it going?”

  “Great. It’s beautiful out here.”

  He didn’t detect any more sarcasm, but her tone was flat.

  Nick ought to try to smooth things over a bit. The tour guide act seemed to have lightened the mood earlier. He’d try it again.

  “Isn’t it? We’re coming up on the main attraction of the trip. Those are the underwater cave formations.” He pointed at the depths in front of them.


  Courtney looked ahead of her kayak into the water and gasped. Their kayaks had just begun to pass through a section of perfect turquoise waters. The formations were becoming clearly visible beneath.

  “Wow. Amazing.”

  That was more like it. He went on. “The shallows here are famous in this region for their crystal-clear views of the caves.”

  Courtney gazed at the stunning views below. “I can see why.”